‘Tis the season for holiday shopping and – let’s be honest – arguing with your spouse about money. Sharing the family finances with your partner is particularly fun during the holidays. If you have not had that argument yet,...
From the time my daughter was three and my son was an infant, they’ve regularly come with me to the polls on voting day. Whether it was a primary, municipal, statewide, or federal election, they’ve come along. They were...
My path to financial planning was motivated by a friend traumatically becoming a widow at age 30 – four months after the birth of their only child. Her husband’s known heart condition meant minimal life insurance. She struggled to...
Like so many parents, I've found myself thrust into a role I did not ask for. Not only am I "mom", but I'm the primary teacher of six children (thanks to remote learning!). As each day unfolds I focus...
As I walked outside carrying a tray of drinks and snacks, I thought, wow, how many occasions has this easy setup served our family and friends? Hundreds, definitely! As the Labor Day Sales approach, it's a perfect time to...
Okay, so you want to garden with your kids this summer? That’s great! New to gardening? Not a problem. Here’s what you need to know as a beginning green thumb on the seacoast. Why should I start a garden with...
We are all at home, living through unprecedented and uncertain times as we social distance with our families. With our more relaxed schedule, I am relishing more leisurely dinners together and am trying to tell more stories. The art...
The ways to be civil are endless. As a life and style contributor, I enjoy sharing ways to improve your health and appearances. My posts often encourage you to find your own personal style and then run with it...
I’m not what you would call tech savvy. In fact I’m guessing most would call very un-tech savvy. Sure I can use my iPhone to write an email but I still can't figure out how to change the clock...
A few weeks ago our family set out for our annual family photo session. I make it a priority to get at least one great photo of us once a year. Everyone hates it and I end up bribing...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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