I approach packing lunch much like I approach much of motherhood: I hyper-focus on what I can do to make my life easier. One thing that makes me crazy is not having what I need. I cope by buying...
Schools are open (yikes!) and whether you are choosing a remote, hybrid, or any other model, we are all stressed. As we've shared before, managing anxiety during CoVID-19 is not the easiest, but I'm hear to help. Here are some...
My daughter's first day of kindergarten looms and I am worried. Kindergarten readiness is determined by common core standards and my child is behind. While I have no doubt that when she is ready she will be a voracious...
I know, I know--back in May I couldn't wait for summer to come. Well, now that it's here, I'm ready for the next thing. The grass is always greener, right? These are my top 10 reasons to be excited...
Winter in New England means we need to be ready for any and all weather. The LOAD of items that have to go to school with my children each morning seems endless! No matter what season it is, I...
I never imagined homeschooling my own children. In fact, I remember going from homeschool to attend high school at St. Thomas Aquinas thinking, “That was great, but I’d never want to do that with my own kids.” I went...
The minute people learn you're expecting a child, they are usually full of advice. Willing to share with you all of the ups and downs that come with parenthood. Unfortunately, some of the biggest challenges I've faced as a...
Fall is a time when it's all about making adjustments. The summer is over, kids are back to school, and new routines begin. There are new teachers, new challenges, and new meltdowns. Fall means we are short on time. We...
If my time as a Mental Health Counselor and mother of four has taught me one thing, it is that open communication is essential for fostering a healthy emotional foundation for our kids. This month, hundreds of children will...
Do you have a young kiddo at home who’s got back to school anxiety? Personally, I have a first time preschooler who is pretty uncertain about starting his program and a first grader who’s feeling jittery about having a...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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