How To Introduce Crystals to Kids As A Mindfulness Tool

How To Introduce Crystals to Kids - circular plate of crystals
Crystals are an amazing mindfulness tool for kids

Crystals as extraordinary mindfulness tools for young kids.

I love crystals and meditating with crystals. Not only because I am an energy healer, but also because they are amazing mindfulness tools not just for me but for my daughter. Inspired by how my daughter has interacted with crystals since she was a toddler, I even taught crystal meditations to 5 and 6 year olds. Here’s why crystals can be amazing mindfulness tools for your child:

Kids love to learn through sensation.

Holding a crystal in their hands they can feel the coolness and the slow warming of a crystal. They can observe how the temperature of the crystal mirrors their own as they breathe with it. They get to marvel at the feeling of the crystal disappearing in their hand when it gets warm.

Kids love to use their imagination.

I loved teaching my young meditation students to imagine themselves as a tiny human being (as big as their fingernail). I would invite them to open an imaginary tiny door on the crystal, and entering into its magical world. They would describe to me all the different colors, shapes, and geometry they saw. Then, they would compare what they saw in one crystal to the other. They would also have a sense of how each child’s imagination was unique and different.

Kids love to create their own story.

My daughter loves making spirals, grids, and landscapes with my crystal collection. In her imagination, each crystal becomes a building or sometimes people. She loves to color code my crystals and make rainbows with them. Each time she engages with my crystals, I can see her dive into her own unique story and her own way of interacting with the crystals.

Kids love to have small treasures.

I love visiting a crystal store with my daughter. Two of our favorites are Misty Meadows in Lee, NH and Scallops Mineral and Shell Emporium in Portsmouth, NH. We love to marvel at the various shapes and colors that nature has created. She’ll pay attention to one or two stones and loves the ritual of bringing another stone home to add to her already growing collection. She loves to organize her collection her way and takes pride in the little world she has been cultivating.

If you have a young and curious child in your life, here are some tips for how to introduce crystals to kids:

  • Share a crystal with them. Please make sure they are not too young and might swallow it! I recommend getting tumbled crystals rather than ones with naturally sharp edges. You can give them a small clear quartz, rose quartz, or amethyst to get started.
  • Instead of picking one out for them, take them to a local crystal shop with you. Let them touch, feel, and enjoy the various minerals and crystals. Let them choose one or two crystals of their own.
  • Teach them to hold the crystal kindly and not to throw them or hit them with each other.
  • Have them hold the crystal so it disappears in their hands. They simply need to hold the crystal in their hand and breathe with it until it gets warm.
  • Give them space to enter into the world of the crystals. Let them use their imaginations as they examine the crystal. What they see may surprise you! You can try it with them and compare what you see.
  • Create a space for them and with them for their new crystal. Prepare to get swept into the magical world of crystals together with them!

Is your child interested in crystals? Do they enjoy touching them or playing with them? Do they have any favorites or favorite ways to engage with their crystals? Please share with us.