The 2019 Seacoast Digital Fast: 3 Ways To Engage Your Family This Weekend


May 3-5th is the Annual Seacoast Digital Fast! Portsmouth resident Jeff Stern started the Seacoast Digital started in 2014 to challenge Seacoast residents to “Look Up!” Although this might take some planning if you’ve got a kid or two (or more!), the 48 hours without screens is totally worth it.

Here are 3 ways to take advantage of weekend.

Get outside! 

  • Check out these toddler-friendly nature walks
  • Head to any of the Seacoast’s beaches to get the summer season started. Don’t forget your sweatshirts and blankets though, there will definitely still be a chill in the air.
  • Hit up a kid-friendly park! Many of our Seacoast towns offer fun playgrounds for all ages, and you can bring a picnic lunch or dinner to extend your stay. 

Check out some of these events

  • Seacoast Digital Fast Kick-off event: May 3, 4:30pm at the Connie Bean Center next to the Portsmouth Public Library— join others digital fasters for family friendly activities. Check out the schedule of events below. 
  • The weekend coincides with Children’s Day, Sunday May 5th, noon to 4pm in downtown Portsmouth. This event offers plenty of fun for the whole family!
  • Headed out for a date night? Go to La Maison Navarre for a free wine tasting, Friday, May 3rd, 2-4pm. 

Seacoast Digital Fast 2019 Schedule


Support local businesses and farms

  • Check out local farmers markets opening this weekend in Portsmouth and Dover (Exeter on Thursday!). Dates/times are on Seacoast Grower’s Association’s website. Maybe you can learn a new recipe with your haul of local produce and goodies, without the help (and pressure) of Pinterest perfection.
  • Get a Seacoast Digital Fast Button to receive discounts at many area businesses. Check out the website for the list of businesses offering discounts. Get your button at the Kick-Off Event or follow Seacoast Digital Fast on Facebook for other opportunities. 
  • Shop local businesses for gifts for mom and dad, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are right around the corner.  

Want to learn more about technology addiction? Attend the lecture at Wentworth Douglass: get your free ticket here. Childcare provided. 

Join thousands this weekend as we fight our urge to be glued to screens 24/7!

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I’m a mama from (and currently living in) Newmarket, NH. Aside from a short stint in Raleigh, NC, post-college for an internship at a genetic testing lab, and 4 years at the University of Connecticut, I’ve spent my whole life in NH. I have my Bachelors of Science in Diagnostic Genetics and a certificate in college ministry. Now I get to work with college students through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the University of New Hampshire. My husband, Alex and I, have a bio son, Xander who is 18-months old, and a little girl on the way. I'm an enneagram 8, and I'm always on a mission to save the world, but my hubby graciously reigns me in. Currently trying to change the world for vulnerable children, hoping to see all children thrive and be loved; foster care, disability advocacy and awareness are close to my heart.