Tag: disability

Finding Support for Siblings of Children with Disabilities

“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It's easy to say, 'It's not my child, not my community, not...

Dyslexia Awareness Month : What A Mother Wants You To Know

The more parents, caregivers, and educators know about Dyslexia, the better. The more we can identify, treat, and even celebrate, the more we will...

3 Tips for Navigating the IEP Process from a Seasoned Mom...

As a teacher, I sat across from many parents during special education meetings. Back then, I thought I fully grasped what parents were feeling...

Shouting Their Worth: World Down Syndrome Day

Before Xander Recently, a former student sent me a paper from years ago in which she interviewed me about my view of disability. I vaguely...

The Autoimmune Mom Life: The Disease of Not Looking Sick

There is almost no greater compliment than when someone meets me for the first time, and has no idea that I'm sick. I call...
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